Ambassadors use the EveryDay Strong framework to help teach caring adults how they can foster resiliency in children and teens. Ambassadors host trainings and receive resources to help the parents and other caring adults in your community learn how to deal with numerous problems, such as slamming doors, how to get their kids to open up to them, and how to build safety, connection and confidence between child and adult. These things are not meant to replace your organization's current emotional health and wellness programs (if you have one), but to enhance them 

Menor helping student on the computer


The first steps to becoming an ambassador are pretty simple: provide the EveryDay Strong resilience training and handbooks to parents, teachers, neighbors, or any adult who cares about kids’ mental health. Ambassadors can be city governments or departments, schools, religious organizations, local businesses, employers, youth-serving organizations and individuals. Ambassadors receive:

By helping caring adults and kids work together for emotional health, you're creating a whole generation who can withstand any challenge that life throws at them.